Printing Options Printing date: 2/13/2025

Bus 501 Zum Queen


Date: Thursday, 2/13/2025


Stop Trips
Transport modes Bus
Take bike on transit
Take bike on transit
Take bike on transit
Take bike on transit
Take bike on transit
Take bike on transit
Take bike on transit
Take bike on transit
Take bike on transit
Take bike on transit
Downtown Terminal Zum Queen Stop
Wheelchair accessible
Boarding only
2:05 pm
Boarding only
real time 2:15 pm
Boarding only
real time 2:25 pm
Boarding only
Initially: 2:35 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:45 pm
Boarding only
Initially: 2:45 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:41 pm
Boarding only
real time 2:55 pm
Boarding only
3:05 pm
Boarding only
Initially: 3:15 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:12 pm
Boarding only
Initially: 3:25 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:23 pm
Boarding only
Initially: 3:35 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:36 pm
Centre - Zum Queen Station Stop EB
Wheelchair accessible
Initially: 2:09 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:08 pm
Initially: 2:19 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:18 pm
Initially: 2:29 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:28 pm
Initially: 2:39 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:49 pm
Initially: 2:49 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:45 pm
real time 2:59 pm
3:09 pm
Initially: 3:19 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:16 pm
Initially: 3:29 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:27 pm
3:39 pm
Kennedy - Zum Queen Station Stop EB
Wheelchair accessible
Initially: 2:12 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:10 pm
Initially: 2:22 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:19 pm
Initially: 2:32 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:30 pm
Initially: 2:42 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:52 pm
Initially: 2:52 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:48 pm
real time 3:02 pm
3:12 pm
Initially: 3:22 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:19 pm
Initially: 3:32 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:30 pm
3:42 pm
Rutherford - Zum Queen Station Stop EB
Wheelchair accessible
Initially: 2:14 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:13 pm
Initially: 2:24 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:22 pm
Initially: 2:34 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:33 pm
Initially: 2:44 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:53 pm
Initially: 2:54 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:50 pm
real time 3:04 pm
3:14 pm
Initially: 3:24 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:21 pm
Initially: 3:34 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:32 pm
3:44 pm
West - Zum Queen Station Stop EB
Wheelchair accessible
Initially: 2:18 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:17 pm
Initially: 2:28 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:26 pm
Initially: 2:38 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:36 pm
Initially: 2:48 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:57 pm
Initially: 2:58 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:54 pm
real time 3:08 pm
3:18 pm
Initially: 3:28 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:25 pm
3:38 pm
3:48 pm
Dixie - Zum Queen Station Stop EB
Wheelchair accessible
Initially: 2:20 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:19 pm
Initially: 2:30 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:28 pm
Initially: 2:40 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:38 pm
Initially: 2:50 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:59 pm
Initially: 3:00 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:56 pm
real time 3:10 pm
3:20 pm
Initially: 3:30 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:27 pm
3:40 pm
3:50 pm
Bramalea Terminal- Zum Queen 501 EB-Departure
Wheelchair accessible
real time 2:25 pm
real time 2:35 pm
real time 2:45 pm
Initially: 2:55 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:02 pm
real time 3:05 pm
real time 3:15 pm
3:25 pm
real time 3:35 pm
3:45 pm
3:55 pm
Bramalea - Zum Queen Station Stop EB
Wheelchair accessible
Initially: 2:27 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:29 pm
real time 2:37 pm
Initially: 2:47 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:44 pm
Initially: 2:57 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:04 pm
real time 3:07 pm
real time 3:17 pm
3:27 pm
real time 3:37 pm
3:47 pm
3:57 pm
Finchgate - Zum Queen Station Stop EB
Wheelchair accessible
Initially: 2:28 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:30 pm
Initially: 2:38 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:37 pm
Initially: 2:48 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:45 pm
Initially: 2:58 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:05 pm
real time 3:08 pm
real time 3:18 pm
3:28 pm
3:38 pm
3:48 pm
3:58 pm
Torbram - Zum Queen Station Stop EB
Wheelchair accessible
Initially: 2:30 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:33 pm
Initially: 2:40 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:41 pm
Initially: 2:50 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:47 pm
Initially: 3:00 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:07 pm
real time 3:10 pm
real time 3:20 pm
3:30 pm
3:40 pm
3:50 pm
4:00 pm
Gateway - Zum Queen Station Stop EB
Wheelchair accessible
Initially: 2:32 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:34 pm
Initially: 2:42 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:43 pm
Initially: 2:52 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:49 pm
Initially: 3:02 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:09 pm
3:12 pm
real time 3:22 pm
3:32 pm
3:42 pm
3:52 pm
4:02 pm
Airport Road - Zum Queen Station Stop EB
Wheelchair accessible
Initially: 2:34 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:35 pm
Initially: 2:44 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:45 pm
Initially: 2:54 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:51 pm
Initially: 3:04 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:11 pm
3:14 pm
real time 3:24 pm
3:34 pm
3:44 pm
3:54 pm
4:04 pm
Goreway - Zum Queen Station Stop EB
Wheelchair accessible
Initially: 2:38 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:41 pm
Initially: 2:48 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:49 pm
Initially: 2:58 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:56 pm
Initially: 3:08 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:15 pm
3:18 pm
real time 3:28 pm
3:38 pm
3:48 pm
3:58 pm
4:08 pm
McVean - Zum Queen Station Stop EB
Wheelchair accessible
Initially: 2:40 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:43 pm
real time 2:50 pm
Initially: 3:00 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:58 pm
Initially: 3:11 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:18 pm
3:21 pm
real time 3:31 pm
3:41 pm
3:51 pm
4:01 pm
4:11 pm
The Gore Road - Zum Queen Station Stop EB
Wheelchair accessible
Initially: 2:44 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:46 pm
real time 2:54 pm
Initially: 3:04 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:02 pm
Initially: 3:15 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:22 pm
3:25 pm
real time 3:35 pm
3:45 pm
3:55 pm
4:05 pm
4:15 pm
Highway 50 - Zum Queen Stop EB
Wheelchair accessible
Initially: 2:45 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:47 pm
Initially: 2:55 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:54 pm
Initially: 3:05 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:03 pm
Initially: 3:16 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:23 pm
3:26 pm
real time 3:36 pm
3:46 pm
3:56 pm
4:06 pm
4:16 pm
Highway 7 w/of Gibraltar Rd
Wheelchair accessible
Initially: 2:46 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:49 pm
Initially: 2:56 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:54 pm
Initially: 3:06 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:04 pm
Initially: 3:17 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:24 pm
3:27 pm
real time 3:37 pm
3:47 pm
3:57 pm
4:07 pm
4:17 pm
Hwy 7 w/of Roybridge Gate
Wheelchair accessible
Initially: 2:49 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:52 pm
Initially: 2:59 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:57 pm
Initially: 3:09 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:07 pm
Initially: 3:20 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:27 pm
3:30 pm
3:40 pm
3:50 pm
4:00 pm
4:10 pm
4:20 pm
Hwy 7 e/of Hwy 27
Wheelchair accessible
Initially: 2:51 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:54 pm
Initially: 3:01 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:59 pm
Initially: 3:11 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:09 pm
Initially: 3:22 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:29 pm
3:32 pm
3:42 pm
3:52 pm
4:02 pm
4:12 pm
4:22 pm
Hwy 7 e/of Martin Grove Rd
Wheelchair accessible
Initially: 2:54 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:56 pm
Initially: 3:04 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:02 pm
Initially: 3:14 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:12 pm
Initially: 3:25 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:32 pm
3:35 pm
3:45 pm
3:55 pm
4:05 pm
4:15 pm
4:25 pm
Hwy 7 at Kipling Ave
Wheelchair accessible
Initially: 2:57 pm Henceforth:
real time 2:59 pm
Initially: 3:07 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:05 pm
Initially: 3:17 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:15 pm
Initially: 3:28 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:35 pm
3:38 pm
3:48 pm
3:58 pm
4:08 pm
4:18 pm
4:28 pm
Hwy 7 at Islington Ave
Wheelchair accessible
Initially: 3:00 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:02 pm
Initially: 3:09 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:07 pm
Initially: 3:19 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:17 pm
Initially: 3:30 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:37 pm
3:40 pm
3:50 pm
4:00 pm
4:10 pm
4:20 pm
4:30 pm
Hwy 7 at (EB) Helen Station
Wheelchair accessible
Initially: 3:03 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:05 pm
Initially: 3:12 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:10 pm
Initially: 3:22 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:20 pm
Initially: 3:33 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:40 pm
3:43 pm
3:53 pm
4:03 pm
4:13 pm
4:23 pm
4:33 pm
Hwy 7 at (EB) Pine Valley Station
Wheelchair accessible
Initially: 3:05 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:07 pm
Initially: 3:14 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:12 pm
Initially: 3:24 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:22 pm
Initially: 3:35 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:42 pm
3:45 pm
3:55 pm
4:05 pm
4:15 pm
4:25 pm
4:35 pm
Hwy 7 at (EB) Ansley Grove Station
Wheelchair accessible
Initially: 3:08 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:10 pm
Initially: 3:17 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:15 pm
Initially: 3:27 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:25 pm
3:38 pm
3:48 pm
3:58 pm
4:08 pm
4:18 pm
4:28 pm
4:38 pm
Hwy 7 at (EB) Weston Station
Wheelchair accessible
Initially: 3:11 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:13 pm
Initially: 3:20 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:18 pm
Initially: 3:30 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:28 pm
3:41 pm
3:51 pm
4:01 pm
4:11 pm
4:21 pm
4:31 pm
4:41 pm
Hwy 7 at (EB) Commerce Station
Wheelchair accessible
Initially: 3:15 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:17 pm
Initially: 3:24 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:22 pm
Initially: 3:34 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:32 pm
3:45 pm
3:55 pm
4:05 pm
4:15 pm
4:25 pm
4:35 pm
4:45 pm
Hwy 7 at (EB) Vaughan Metropolitan Centre Station
Wheelchair accessible
Initially: 3:16 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:18 pm
Initially: 3:25 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:23 pm
Initially: 3:35 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:33 pm
3:46 pm
3:56 pm
4:06 pm
4:16 pm
4:26 pm
4:36 pm
4:46 pm
Smart VMC Terminal - Route 501 Zum Queen WB
Wheelchair accessible
Drop off only
Initially: 3:22 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:24 pm
Drop off only
Initially: 3:31 pm Henceforth:
real time 3:29 pm
Drop off only
3:41 pm
Drop off only
3:52 pm
Drop off only
4:02 pm
Drop off only
4:12 pm
Drop off only
4:22 pm
Drop off only
4:32 pm
Drop off only
4:42 pm
Drop off only
4:52 pm

Schedules are given as a guideline, and depend on traffic conditions.